Monday, January 2, 2017

3. wish list

As so many doll collectors know, there always seems to be just one more doll in any given line that piques our interest and seems to require a place in our collection. I've added quite a few dolls to mine in the last couple of months, so I've told myself that unless I find impossible to resist deals my purchasing has to be on hold until at least my birthday. 

That makes March-December fair game, though. Lots of time to add a few dolls to the ensemble. Here are a few I have been considering recently...

(Note: All photos used are ones I found via Google searches.)


There are three dolls that I am definitely planning to add in 2017: Darling Charming, Gabriela McBride, and Barbie's Cupcake Chef Doll in their current career line.

Darling Charming: Darling is my favorite Ever After High character. While Ever After High is one line that I'm trying to collect secondhand, since I prefer the articulated dolls and those tend to run a little pricey, I would make an exception for her. I always think that she's a character I really could have used as a kid, and I'm glad that kids now have her. And besides, my Apple definitely needs a Darling! I do wish she also came with a sword, but I can figure out how to make one.

Gabriela McBride: Gabriela is American Girl's Girl of the Year for 2017. I was never drawn to her during her days as #46, since I am nervous about dealing with curly doll hair and I already had a curly-haired Sonali mold doll in Cécile. However, I really like everything about Gabriela's character, and I'm really happy to support American Girl finally giving us another girl of color as Girl of the Year.

Cupcake Chef: I was really excited to see that Mattel is adding Barbies of different body types to more than just their Fashionista line! The Cupcake Chef and the Farmer were the first two careers with the new body types that I saw, and while the Scientist was the one that I ended up buying last year, the Cupcake Chef is the one I definitely plan to add to my collection in 2017.

Team Glam: I used to be very into playing The Sims 2, once upon a time, and Team Glam's face reminds me a lot of a face template in that game. She isn't one that I like enough to pay regular price for, but if she ever goes on clearance anywhere I will happily get her.

Hip Hoodie: I can't decide if I want to add any Ken dolls at all, but if I do it will probably be Hip Hoodie. I just love the look of him, and I also really like his outfit, which is always a plus. 

Daisy Pop: When the 2017 Fashionista lineup was released, Daisy Pop was the one that I immediately knew I had to get. I love everything about her look, and I have a definite lack of curvy dolls in my collection. 

Ruby Red Floral: The Scientist Barbie I have reminds me a lot of my Truly Me #38, Winifred. I figured that it was only right that I get a Barbie that reminds me of My Truly Me #4, Youngji. So far Ruby Red Floral fits the bill best.

Briar Beauty: I looked into the Ever After High line when it first debuted, and I remember that at the time Briar was the one that really stood out to me. After I watched the series last summer, she quickly established herself as a favorite character of mine, second only to Darling. Briar is definitely a doll I will be keeping an eye out for as I shop secondhand stores.

Ginger Breadhouse: Ginger is one of my favorite minor characters, and really adorable. I don't know if I really want to add any Ever After High dolls other than Briar and Darling, but if I do, Ginger will be a major contender.

Raven Queen: Since I'm trying to limit my collection, I can't decide if I really want a Raven or not. However, she is definitely one of the easier ones to find, and I just might need her to round out the set, especially if I keep Maddy. And can I really have an Apple but not a Raven?

Hunter Huntsman: While I adore Hunter, I hadn't thought about buying a Hunter doll until I bought Ashlynn. Now he's one I occasionally mull over also getting if I find the right one. We'll see.

What about you? Any thoughts on the dolls I've mentioned? What dolls are you planning to buy this year?

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